When it comes lớn expressing how you feel towards a person or something, there have khổng lồ be precise words that can help you to lớn develop a clear stance. While in some cases it can be between two individuals in other situations you can express how you feel about a group of persons or vice versa.

Bạn đang xem: The powerful difference between “i love you” and “love you”


I Love You and Love You are two such phrases although are similar, the context in which we use these terms is entirely different. The main difference between them is that we use I Love You when you have lãng mạn feelings towards someone, and we use Love You khổng lồ expressing nonromantic emotions.

Comparison Chart

BasisI Love YouLove You
NatureTo express feelings that are considered romantic.To express feelings which can be of different types.
UsageMostly used khổng lồ express how you feel about one person.Mostly used to lớn express feelings to a group of people or even an animal or a thing.
Situation For particular situationsFor general situations
StatementTo show loveTo reject love.
TypeMostly between a girl và a guy.

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Mostly between friends và family.
Example“I think of you as more than a friend, and I have feelings for you. Therefore I have no hesitancy in admitting that I love you.”“I will cancel all of my engagements before the crowned heads of Europe & America and devote myself lớn the people of Oz, love you all so well that I can deny you nothing.”

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What is I Love You?

I Love You is a phrase that is used khổng lồ express your feelings towards the other person. These feelings are personal và related khổng lồ one person towards the other person. There cannot be any other person involved or related in any way. The primary use of this phrase comes when people are in love with each other và want to tell the other person how they feel.

Once someone says I love you to the other person and if they reply back, it creates a state in which both of them are obligated to lớn give each other importance. This relation will be more than a friend & someone you will be willing khổng lồ have felt. People having pets will say the same words lớn the animal they have.

The difference, therefore, varies from the person who is using them. For example, if you want to get xinh tươi with your pet, the same phrase can be employed. A husband will use it lớn tell his wife how he feels about her. A father can say the same khổng lồ their son or the mother to lớn her daughter. It all comes down khổng lồ the feelings of individual persons for the other.

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It can, therefore, used as a complete sentence or a complete sentence depending on what has to lớn expresses regarding emotions. Many more such instances can be quoted here khổng lồ elaborate it more. “I think of you as more than a friend, & I have feelings for you. Therefore I have no hesitancy in admitting that I love you.” In this sentence, it is evident that the person is sharing their feelings towards the other person & giving their reasons for that.


What is Love You?

Love You is a phrase that is used khổng lồ express your feelings lớn the other person. This term is different in a way that one person has no obligation to lớn tell the reason for that; they bởi vì not have to lớn have feelings for them. It can be said khổng lồ a friend since it is a general term, it can also use while conveying your affection between a teacher or a student.

A father and mother to lớn their siblings và from siblings to their parents. Here you are not only talking about the love between a girl or a boy; here general meanings can be taken, as in you can express gratitude, your affection, love, or importance towards someone while using it. Another way of its employment in a normal situation is that you bởi not have lớn literally mean what you are saying.

The best way to lớn explain it more will be khổng lồ show a few sentences. “The ring you sent her was in the toe of the stocking, and when I told her you gave it khổng lồ Santa Claus for her, she said, “I bởi love you, Mrs. Hopkins.” Another and more elaborative sentence will be, “In that case,” said the little man, gravely, “I will cancel all of my engagements before the crowned heads of Europe và America và devote myself lớn the people of Oz, love you all so well that I can deny you nothing.” Here you can see that the word used in a general meaning for more than one person, so it is not exclusive to a particular person.


Key Differences between I Love You & Love You

I Love You is a phrase that is used khổng lồ express your feelings towards the other person. Whereas Love You is a phrase that is used to lớn express your feelings to lớn the other person.I Love You is mostly used to lớn express how you feel about people whereas Love You is mostly used to express feelings lớn a group of people or even an animal or a thing.I Love You is a thắm thiết phrase is mostly spoken in particular situations whereas Love You is not thắm thiết every time & can be used in general terms.I Love you considered as a statement which is khổng lồ show love whereas Love You in some cases can be employed a statement to lớn contradict it.I Love You has utilization between a girl and a boy, parent, và son or other situations where there is a direct relation between the two whereas we use Love You for people who can be distant & do not have any direct relationship.Using them in a sentence, “I think of you as more than a friend & I have feelings for you. Therefore I have no hesitancy in admitting that I love you.” “I will cancel all of my engagements before the crowned heads of Europe and America & devote myself khổng lồ the people of Oz, love you all so well that I can deny you nothing.”