Giả vờ nhưng em yêu anh

Album Tracks

Below are all of the tracks in the same album of giả vờ Nhưng Em yêu thương Anh. The name of the album that giả vờ Nhưng Em yêu thương Anh by ca sĩ miu lê belongs khổng lồ is yêu mến Là Thương nỗ lực Thôi. This tuy nhiên is track #5 in mến Là Thương vắt Thôi, which has a total of 12 tracks.

Bạn đang xem: Giả vờ nhưng em yêu anh

Harmonic Matches

This list will show songs that harmonically matches up to vờ vịt Nhưng Em yêu Anh by Miu Lê. Listed below are tracks with similar keys & BPM to lớn the track where the track can be harmonically mixed.

Giả Vờ mà lại Em yêu Anh by ca sĩ miu lê Information

As of now, this track is currently not as popular as other songs out there.Giả Vờ dẫu vậy Em yêu Anh doesn"t provide as much energy as other songs but, this track can still be danceable to lớn some people.

BPM (Tempo)

Giả Vờ cơ mà Em yêu thương Anh has a tempo of 130 BPM.Since this track has a tempo of 130, the tempo markings of this song would beAllegro (fast, quick, & bright).Based on the tempo, this track could possibly be a great song to play while you are walking.Overall, we believe that this tuy nhiên has a fast tempo.

Music Key và Camelot

The key of vờ vịt Nhưng Em yêu thương Anh is A Major. In other words, for DJs who are harmonically matchings songs, the Camelot key for this track is 11B.So, the perfect camelot match for 11B would be either 11B or 12A.While, 12B can give you a low energy boost.For moderate energy boost, you would use 8B và a high energy boost can either be 1B or 6B.Though, if you want a low energy drop, you should looking for songs with either a camelot key of 11A or 10B will give you a low energy drop, 2B would be a moderate one, và 9B or 4B would be a high energy drop.Lastly, 8A allows you khổng lồ change the mood.

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Release Date

Giả Vờ dẫu vậy Em yêu thương Anh by ca sỹ miu lê was released on October 23, 2017. "Giả Vờ tuy thế Em yêu Anh" is considered a new track, since it was released less than a year ago (2017).


The duration of giả vờ Nhưng Em yêu thương Anh by ca sĩ miu lê is 3:54 or 3 minutes & 54 seconds. This track"s duration is pretty similar lớn other tracks that are released today.

Is this track explicit or safe for children?

The tuy nhiên Giả Vờ dẫu vậy Em yêu thương Anh by ca sĩ miu lê is not explicit và is considered clean. This concludes that "Giả Vờ mà lại Em yêu Anh" is not offensive or unsuitable for children.


The label that vờ vịt Nhưng Em yêu Anh by ca sỹ miu lê is under is POPS WORLDWIDE and it was released on October 23, 2017.